Empowering Tomorrow’s Journalists
The training brought together a diverse group of young individuals passionate about storytelling and eager to make a positive impact. YAAO believes in the power of journalism to not only shed light on challenges but also to be a catalyst for change. By equipping these young minds with the tools of Organizing Solution Journalism, we are fostering a generation of reporters who see beyond problems and seek out the untold stories of resilience, innovation, and community strength.

We are fostering a generation of reporters

Key Elements of Organizing Solution Journalism

  • Identifying Solutions

Participants were guided through the process of identifying and understanding the solutions that individuals and communities are implementing to address local challenges.

  • Community Engagement

A crucial aspect of Organizing Solution Journalism is engaging with the community. Journalists were encouraged to immerse themselves in the lives of the people they report on, building trust and gaining a deeper understanding of the issues at hand.

  • Storytelling Techniques

Practical sessions delved into effective storytelling techniques, emphasizing the importance of narratives that resonate with readers and inspire action.

The Kakuma Experience

Kakuma, with its unique blend of cultures and stories, provided the perfect backdrop for this training. Participants explored the community, met with local leaders, and interacted with residents to uncover stories of triumph over adversity. From innovative educational initiatives to sustainable community development projects, Kakuma became a canvas for these budding journalists to paint a picture of hope and progress.

The training left a lasting impact on the participants

Impact on Participants

The training left a lasting impact on the participants, who expressed newfound inspiration and determination. Many shared their visions of becoming advocates for positive change through their journalistic endeavors, recognizing the responsibility that comes with telling stories that can shape perceptions and drive action.

Looking Forward

YAAO is committed to continuing its support for the development of young journalists in Kakuma. The organization envisions a future where media plays a pivotal role in driving positive change, and where the narratives of resilience and solutions take center stage.


The Organizing Solution Journalism training in Kakuma marked a significant step towards empowering the youth to become catalysts for positive change. As these young journalists embark on their storytelling journey, armed with a newfound perspective, we anticipate a ripple effect that goes beyond the boundaries of Kakuma, inspiring communities and fostering a culture of hope and progress.

Together, let’s tell stories that matter.

Young African Antipoverty Organization (YAAO)

We anticipate a ripple effect that goes beyond the boundaries of Kakuma